Offensive and Defensive Cybersecurity Need Programming skills

Programming skills are necessary for assessing software for flaws, identifying malicious software, and other activities that cyber security analysts must perform. This question concerning programming knowledge for cybersecurity specialty was answered by Quora. The best answer explains how the programming and coding skills required differ depending on whether you work in online app security, software security, malware analysis, network security, or computer forensics. What you should take away from this is that knowing how to programme offers you an advantage over other security professionals who don’t.

Overall Technical Skills Wanted in Cybersecurity

System architectures, system administration, operating systems, networking, virtualization software, and other essential components of IT systems are all skills that the ideal cybersecurity expert possesses. A thorough understanding of system design lets you to see the overall picture and identify potential vulnerabilities, as well as how to defend all access points from assaults. The CompTIA Security+ certification assesses this broad variety of knowledge, but it does not imply that you can implement what you’ve learned. Firewalls, network load balancers, network routers and switches, and network designs should all be configured and managed correctly. The use of networking and virtualization technologies is important to the success of enterprises. With the introduction of cloud computing, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), which is accessed via web browsers, necessitates a thorough grasp of security at this level. Whether your company has its own private cloud or hybrid infrastructure or has access to an external cloud infrastructure, intermediate to advanced level knowledge is required to succeed in today’s cybersecurity environment.

Programming Languages for Cybersecurity

This section isn’t meant to be a comprehensive list of the advantages of each programming language for a cybersecurity practitioner. For more information, you can read a variety of fantastic blog posts and articles available online with a simple Google search. It is critical to understand that the more languages you know, the better your cybersecurity job will be. Here are a few languages with which you can begin.


Students inquire about the significance of programming knowledge in our Malware Analysis course. Students should have a “basic understanding of C/C++ and assembly language,” according to the course page’s recommended experience section. The majority of malware is created using the C++ programming language. This language is also necessary for reading and comprehending open source code, which frequently supports low-level system programmes that are crucial operating system components.


Python is a high-level programming language that is less difficult to learn than other low-level scripting languages. Python has several advantages in the security field, including the ability to automate processes and do malware analysis. In the outline for our Python Security for Practitioners course, you may learn more about utilising Python as a tool. When planning your career, you should obtain advice on skills, knowledge, possible job titles, and other relevant information. Then make a timetable of where you want to go, what you want to learn, and how you’re going to get there.