Cyber-attacks come in different forms. Some of these attacks may include but are not limited to the following:
Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack Denial of Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) SQL injection attack Password attack Trojans Drive-by attack Ransomware Phishing attacks Eavesdropping attack Malware
Understanding the Severity of Cyber Attacks
Cybercriminals can attack both individuals with valuable information and organizations as well. While some do that for fun, with no ulterior motives, others execute such acts with sinister intentions that can be harmful to lives and properties. Such attacks may create power failure, disable military systems, or even disseminate information that can threaten national security. There have been cases of hackers stealing confidential user information, such as medical records, and selling them to third parties. Such acts put the lives of innocent people at risk. Cybercrime syndicates comprise groups like terrorist sects, hackers, nation-states, unhappy insiders, organized crime syndicates, industrial spies, and business competitors. Cyber threats evolve yearly, in their millions. As they roll out each period, they become more potent. Some of these attacks come with digital signatures that the average security system cannot detect. Such “zero-day” cyber-attacks can weaken military defenses on a whim. Some infiltrate into a business network using Advanced Persistent Threats or ATPs to maintain access to such internal systems and retrieve sensitive business records. Unfortunately, it is not easy to shut them out by updating the business software or restarting the system. Some of these actors can remain on the network for long periods while beating most scanning software programs. Advanced threat weapons can cut out power in a grid – a tactical strategy warring countries implement. Most cyber crimes take place on the “dark web.” Here, users can access illegal weapons, trade secrets, patients’ medical reports, among others, using a dedicated browser known as “Thor.”
Protecting Yourself from Cyber Attacks
With the potential cyber threats that come with internet usage and other relevant technologies, users need to protect themselves and their businesses from these attacks. Here are some ways to improve cybersecurity:
Download and install patches when released. Most enterprise products out there come with security flaws from time to time. As such, vendors write specific programs to fix such loopholes, which will, in turn, prevent hackers from infiltrating the system or network. A brilliant example is the regular operating system (OS) updates Microsoft releases to fix bugs and other flaws in their software. Some of these system updates come with minor issues that the company repairs quickly. Purchase security software and technologies that protect your devices and network against cyber-attacks. These include anti-malware, anti-virus, secure browsing, and anti-phishing systems. Top vendors like Norton and McAfee provide security solutions that protect users from hackers. Use strong passwords that are immune to brute-force attacks and guessing; this includes using a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using your birthday or other personal information as your security password. Hackers consider such areas before infiltrating an individual’s device or network.
With these tips, you can easily carry out all your online activities including playing games on sites like Comeon Gaming as your personal safety and security are fully guaranteed.